(Order goes from oldest posts to newest.)
Some scientists believe that humans evolved from chimpanzees. I don't think we did, but I'll defend my side of the argument later. Scientists think that humans "branched off" from the ape about 5 to 8 million years ago. Where is the proof? Who came up with that information, you may ask? The theory of evolution is Darwin's. He did not believe in God and the Bible so he wouldn't know that his theory wasn't true. As it says in the Bible, humans were made in God's image. We weren't made in the image of an ape. We were made in God's image! Yes we were. Now you may ask, how do we know everything in the Bible is true? Well God told Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John what to write. God doesn't lie, therefore everything in the Bible is true. Apes have 48 chromosome and we have 46 chromosomes, therefore that is proof that we did not evolve from apes because then we would have the same amount of chromosomes. Also, if we evolved from apes wouldn't they all have evolved at some point then? Or at least most of them. Over the past few million years we have not seen any proof of this. How can we tell from a fossil that humans evolved from apes? Just because our human skull may have been similar to a chimpanzees skull long ago, it doesn't mean that we evolved from them.  "The skeleton of an early human who lived 4.4 million years ago show that humans did not evolve from chimpanzee-like ancestors, researchers reported on Thursday" (cited from). As I said before humans are made in God's image, as it says in the Bible, alone that does prove that we did not evolve from apes. 

I hope to do more research and add to this blog if I have time. Thank you for reading.

I just found some more evidence supporting my side of the debate. "I reported earlier today that scientists concluded that we did not evolve from apes. In response, a source sent me a book review that appeared in the New Scientists I had missed. It turns out that apparent genetic closeness does not mean that we are closely related to chimps"(cited from). Also I read that mice share nearly as much genetic similarity with humans as apes do. I still believe (and will always) that humans did not evolve from apes just as much as humans did not evolve from mice, there is so much evidence saying that we didn't. Yet scientists can still say there is a lot of evidence saying that we did. I'm going to ask you to think it over a little bit- Did we really evolve from apes? Several scientists' answer is "No, we didn't." and so is mine.

Okay. Looks like I need some more information to back myself up. I understand a few people that I talked to did not believe my quote from the Bible. They were asking "How do you know if it's all true? It was written by man." Well, I just do. I don't know, it's just that simple to me. I just believe it and that's all that really counts. I have to make it straight that I do support the theory of evolution for all mammals, except humans. I don't believe that humans evolved. 

Then there's the subject of humans having common ancestry. Okay, so basically what the scientists are saying is that the hominid eventually evolved into the human as we know it today. It was like this (as the scientists say)- The hominid had 48 chromosomes and eventually branched off into humans and apes. The humans that evolved had a mutation and had 46 chromosomes but the other species that branched off, the apes, had 48 chromosomes.

I got some books on human evolution at the library the other day, but haven't had the time to read them yet. Once I read them I'll write more about my side of the debate. For now what, continued on from the 12th, I was talking about how scientists think we had a common ancestor. How do they know for sure how many chromosomes "our common ancestor" had? One can't tell how many chromosomes an organism has by judging the organism's fossils.

I'll continue after I read up on this subject more.  :)  

Okay. I've decided that I'm going to finally end this post about human evolution. There's nothing really more that I can add. You have your views, and I have mine. For now we can just leave it at that. Although, I'm going to ask you to really think about it, and then maybe you will see why I think that we did not evolve from apes.

I guess I might just add a little more to this topic. We've been going over this topic in my biology class and I've been thinking a lot more about it. I have an analogy, scientists have what they call "a lot of evidence" to support the evolutionary theory, they think because humans are similar to apes we have a common ancestor. My analogy is something like this- A television and computer are very similar, they both have screens and other things in common, but they are two completely different things. Just like the human and the ape, we have several similarities, but that doesn't make us related. 

I just can't seem to let this topic drop. It's been bugging me as the topic has been coming up in science class a week or two ago, and at other times. There is actually no real evidence of the step from "ape to human stage", which is called the missing link. It's basically just a hypothesis, the scientists have no real bone evidence. So why exactly do we have this theory? I'm still asking myself that same question. If there is no hard evidence there should be no theory.  I think it should just be a hypothesis... If that.
Aunt Natalie
4/28/2012 04:03:48 am

I've done a lot of reading on this topic so maybe I can help you. Now I am not a science geek by any means but as best I understand, evolution is the best story science has right now to explain how living things developed on earth.Not all of it has been proven but nothing disproves it either.There is also a distinction to be made between evolution on the micro and macro levels.It certainly has its critics even among scientists but it is the generally accepted theory.It has proven to be a useful theory in many areas of biology.This however does not mess with what we believe to be the special creation of humans.The Catholic position is that, however science explains it, God did it.Understanding how God created life does not undermine that he in fact was the cause of all creation.Hope this helps.

4/28/2012 02:52:47 pm

Thank you, it helps a lot. I do believe that humans have evolved some because every organism has evolved over their time on earth and fossils show that humans have too. However, I do not think that we have a common ancestor and I don't think we evolved from apes either.

5/4/2013 06:58:54 am

Best article ever! My science teacher believes we evolved from apes, so I'm going to use this article for my extra credit assignment! :)

5/30/2013 06:28:16 am

Thanks so much! Good luck with your extra credit ;)

10/1/2013 03:30:30 pm

First and foremost , who ever is all the one name person , using different names above , who I now is on name in all of comments , you have now been reported , no party's.

3/12/2014 11:02:48 am

I'm very sad, I don't believe that we evolved from apes, but my science teacher does and we have to take a test in a couple days to how life first came about, and she's saying from monkeys, then monkeys from molecules... :(

3/25/2014 04:29:42 am

I don't believe what science try's to prove. Like really, they say we started off as a fish and evolved into a lizard then to a ape. Goodness, how are we to believe in that....lol I believe in GOD! I never thought or had to think twice about my belief! Sorry science!

10/21/2015 03:45:55 pm

Wow, it seems that because all other species have perhaps evolved that is why scientists stick to evolutioary theories for humans. But there is really no evidence to exhibit, except inferences

Jeff Sanders
3/22/2016 02:22:07 pm

Wow! I have never thought about it like that! Thanks for publishing this, as many more people need to learn about the Lord!

5/17/2016 03:42:52 pm

This is the best thing ive read about this topic. I believe we did not evolve from Apes. Even though im not that big on what the bible says i still believe we did not evolve from Apes. Scientist dicovered that 98.5% of our DNA was identical, but now they say it is 95%. So what are we supposed to believe now. Anyway evolution is just a theory, there is no real evidence

10/26/2016 05:26:21 pm

Looool the first thing you asked for was the PROOF right then when asked for your proof you said that a bunch of people you do not know from an unspecified time wrote something that you "just know is right" and you "have a feeling".....Darwin also had a feeling so if you're gonna have a scientific topic and try to disprove it. "I just know" isn't a way to disprove ANYTHING AT ALL

6/24/2018 10:26:36 pm

I studied this a lot. So I went to a university professor. He told me that he didn't know where we came from but we didn't come form apes. Every human male passes on a piece of dna no matter what always. Apes do not have this dna, so he said it was impossible for us to come from apes. another cool fact do you know what the odds are for lighting or something strike a pool of chemicals and starting life, it is 12800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 1. Now this is just to start not that it could survive the weather, find food, or reproduce with itself


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