From time to time we may think that we're not good enough. We may think that we're not pretty enough, or smart enough. What is "enough"? Why do we crave this "pretty enough", "smart enough", etc.?  

The media has created this fake reality for us; where nobody has flaws. Sometimes we might put on these masks and be who people want us to be. We might pretend that we're perfect, that everything in our life is going great when really there's so much going on that we can't even handle it by ourselves. 

How many times do we put this mask on? When do we take it off? Why do we even wear this "mask"? The answers are different for everyone

We need to realize that we don't need to hide ourselves. God made you, and you are amazing because you are a child of God! He made each and every one of us different, He made us special. And we should never hide that. We don't need to pretend that we are some one else. God loves you for you who are! He gave up His life for you

I'm going to ask you to take some time and reflect on who you really are, deep down...... That is the person that God made. We create the fake one that changes personality depending on what others want us to be. Be who you are, nobody can change that. 

Thank you for reading,
God bless. 

*First I just want to say, sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I've had a lot going on and barely any time to write and when I did have time I didn't know what to write about. For a long time I thought about just ending Forever Electric forever. Luckily, my passion for writing kept me going.*

Do you ever get that feeling inside that's just empty - that lonely empty feeling? I'm sure we all have at least one point in our life. That "feeling" that we get - is so not true! 

God is always there with us, holding our hand through every single step we take! He never leaves us alone, because without Him we would be nothing. 

From time to time we might think we have to "put on a mask" to impress others and to be liked. Sometimes we might be who others want us to be. We put on this mask that hides the beauty of how God created us. It's not right. God made us in His very own image! We shouldn't feel the need to hide who we are. Because everyone is AMAZING! We are children of God! He gave up His life for us! And if it would have come down to it, He would have gave up His life for just one of us. 

Please, take time to thank Him for everything He has done - even the little things that we might not even realize till we truly look back. There's just so much to be thankful and happy for, sometimes we don't even realize it. 

God bless!