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This past weekend there was a festival at the parish I belong to and I was hanging around with a few of my close friends. Two of my friends and I decided to go into the church to take a picture of the altar and say a prayer.

There were three of us in the church, it was completely silent. I stopped in the middle of the church, I felt an ultimate peace. It was a familiar feeling and right away I knew where I was the last time I felt so moved - at Stuebenville. 

I stood still, as if any movement would break the barrier of peace. After a few minutes I had this sudden urge that I need to kneel down and pray, so that's what I did.

I ask God what was He trying to tell me. I knew it had to be something really important. I was crying, I felt the Holy Spirit in my heart.

I kept on asking Him what He was trying to tell me, and all at once I felt the words in my heart - not enough people are praying, not enough people believe. Not enough people believe in our Savior Jesus Christ! He came down to earth to save us from the fires of Hell! He gave us everything, He gave us His life!

Not enough people know! He told me to show others prayer. To show others what it is like to always know that you are loved by God! We need to always spread the wonderful word of our Lord, some don't know. Some don't know how amazing He is, and all the miracles He performs every day!

The Holy Spirit came to me and told me that not enogh people are praying. He told me that not enough people know. Not enough people see the love of Christ. We need to show people the love of God everywhere we go! Whether we invite a friend to youth group, or a Bible study, we need to show others the amazing word of Jesus 

I know that if we come together and show others the love God has for us, and the love we have for Him, we can change many things. Through Him, we can do anything.

God bless!

9/11/2017 12:00:16 am

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