
"Nor did demons crucify Him; it is you who have crucified Him and crucify Him still, when you delight in your vices and sins."

 As soon as I read this a deep hurt overcame myself. I can't get over the fact that Jesus died for our sins in pain. He had the power to not carry the cross. He can do anything, He could have backed out, but He didn't. Jesus gave up His life for us and we seem to take it for granted most of the time.

How many times have you stopped to think about what God has done for you? He's done so much that I can't even think of half of the things he has done. God is truly amazing! Sometimes we wave over the fact that He died for us in pain and suffering. We don't think very much of it, but the fact that He died for us is something that we should always thank Him for.

I think that sometimes we ask too much of Him. Instead of always asking him for things we should thank Him for what He has given us. God has given us so much, we don't even realize it. One of the most amazing things He gave us is the Eucharist! We need to thank Him for that every day!

We nailed Jesus to the cross, we took His hands and hurt them. It should be our hands that are hurt and not His, I would carry the cross for Him any day no matter how much pain it would cost. We all have our own small cross to carry too, whether it be something that's hidden or clearly visible. 

My great uncle who recently passed away carried a cross with him every single day. He had to carry a breathing machine with him for the last few years of his life. He once never complained about it but once said - "In order to live we need to die", and that is when we can enter everlasting life. His love for God was truly amazing and I will always look up to him for that.

There is not one person who loves us more than God, He will always love us and never leave us. He is the one person who will not leave if we made a bad choice, if we lose our job and all our friends, He will always be with us. He carried up the cross and opened the gates to Heaven! We should thank Him for that all the time! There is no bigger sacrifice. 

God loves you! 

The video below shows a few clips from The Passion. Every single time I think of the song played I remember how He died for us.

7/30/2012 05:40:18 am

Beautiful video, and great post as usual! (Also, patron saint! :D)

8/7/2012 03:07:24 am

Thanks, James! :)))


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