"A hero is some one who has given their life to something bigger than oneself" (Joseph Campbell).

As you may know, Memorial Day was yesterday, the day we honor the men and women who have fought for our country. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, began after the Civil War when America decided to commemorate those soldiers. 

Over the years it kind of seems that Memorial Day has lost it's meaning and now most just think of it as a long weekend to go to the beach or to shop with friends. So I would like to write this post to all of those who have fought for our lives. I would really like to say a thank you to everyone who has fought in the war, and to those who have helped in other ways. I really look up to those who give up their lives for others, those men and women are real heroes. 

On the last Monday during the month of May some go and visit their families graves and decorate them with flowers. The tradition of decorating the graves with flowers originated on the 4th of July actually. Local historians say that in Boalsburg, PA in 1864 the ladies in the town adorned the graves with beautiful flowers which started the tradition. 

The name and date of this holiday wasn't the same as it is today. The holiday changed from it's original name, Decoration Day, to Memorial Day sometime during 1882. The date changed from May 30th to the last Monday of the month to create a more convenient three day weekend. The law was passed around 1968, but it took awhile for everyone to become accustomed to the idea, and all 50 states starting celebrating the holiday's new date around 1971. In 1987 Hawaii's Senator, David Inouye, has introduced the idea to change Memorial Day back to it's original date.

On this day, the American flag is supposed to be raised to the top of the staff and then slowly lowered to half and stays at that position till noon. The half-staff position is made for us to remember that half a million men and women have died for our lives. At noon we raise that memory by the living, who stand up not in vain, but instead to continue to fight "for liberty and justice for all". 

I would just like to say one more thank you to those who have fought for our lives and to those who continue fighting. They truly are our heroes.

5/29/2012 11:03:40 pm

Beautiful words! You are my hero too. xoxo

5/30/2012 02:12:22 am

Thanks Starka! ;D


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