The weekend of June 15th I boarded a bus that I would take along with so many others to a place that would change my life forever. This may not be the kind of blog post that you're used to - it's not going to be about debates, or travelling in Europe. It's about God, and how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. It's about you, and what we can do to become in a better relationship with God. 

For three days a group from Ss.Cryil and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church was going to a conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. 

I first found out about the trip to Franciscan University by my aunt, who was organizing the trip. She did a wonderful job and was hard at work for many weeks to make it possible for all of us to go. Our church teamed up with two other parishes and we filled two buses! It amazed me how so many people wanted to come and share the weekend with Jesus. Around 2,000 teenagers in all showed up at the conference. 

The environment was so amazing there! Just imagine a gym filled with so many people that were so passionate for Jesus Christ. Think about it - everyone there was really kind and all the teenagers (I am sure) felt accepted. 

The conference was called The Eighth Day and we learned that right now we are all living the eight day. God made the universe in six days and rested on the seventh, he is letting us live out the eighth day. 

How have times changed since then? Drastically! The world has changed so much in the past 20 years and we can't really even understand how it was at the beginning. We have to keep this eighth day till we die, and not just live it, but live it with Jesus.
We arrived at Franciscan University around 6:00. The picture above is of Christ the King Chapel where the confessions were held Friday and Saturday throughout the day. After our group got settled in the dorms we made our way to dinner and then to adoration in the Finnegan Fieldhouse. Since there were about 2,000 teenagers there we couldn't have adoration in the church, I was blown away by how many people came to show their love for Christ. 

Pictured below is the girls dorm.
I didn't really understand what exactly I was getting myself into when I signed up for Steubenville. All I knew was that my aunt was organizing a trip to go to a conference called The Eighth Day and I had to take my exams early to be able to go. On the bus ride there my friend informed me: "Tonight is going to blow you away, tomorrow is going to kill you." I had absolutely no clue what she meant, but the words "kill you" sort of frightened me so I began to question my aunt about what I had signed up for. 

My aunt got the microphone and began to tell the bus that the Saturday night adoration we would be experiencing was going to be very emotional for some of us, and for others not so much. My other friend told us that some people cried their eyes out during the adoration, some laughed with joy, others prayed in different tongues, and some fainted. I started to get a little antsy when he told us that people fainted. 

Talk of the adoration seemed to devour the bus: "Do you think I'm going to faint?" "What if someone falls on me?" "Nothing's goin' to happen to me." "I'm going to be that awkward person that doesn't feel anything." 

Thoughts started to take over my mind too. I hate to admit it, but in these past few months I have been doubting God's love for me. I thought he didn't care about me. I thought I wasn't good enough, not important enough. That was soon to change. 
That evening we came a little late to the Friday opening session. Our group entered in the middle of it, not too long before adoration started and the whole room was glowing with vibrant people singing as best as they could. 

For some reason I can't exactly recall all the events of this night in order, but I do remember this. After adoration the priest told us to close our eyes. Of course I followed his instructions and instantly it was as if I had moved to a completely different place. With my eyes closed I could see Jesus carrying up the cross and being whipped. It was as if I could feel a minuscule amount of his pain, just by watching. I don't know how these images came across my mind because I had never seen The Passion in my entire life. After that scene I did not want to close my eyes for the rest of the night. 

After adoration we walked outside the church and gathered into our small groups and shared our experiences of the night. Unfortunately, I have a very terrible memory and I have no recollection of what we talked about at all. (Sorry!) It might come to me later and I'll add it in if it does. 

I didn't realize it then, but everything seriously does happen for a reason. We ended up having an extra person in our room and at first my roomies and I were kind of uncertain about the whole idea, there were five of us and two beds. Good thing I like sleeping on the floor. ;) The new, unexpected roomie was really awesome and we connected because we were going through, how should I put it, a similar situation. Let's just say it's amazing how God plans things. I realized how perfect His plans are and how much they do for people, even if they don't realize it right away.
On Saturday we woke up early for mass and morning keynotes. It really amazed me that there we so many priests celebrating the mass, I had never once seen so many priests all together to celebrate mass at once in my life. 

Later that day we had entertainment with Jackie Francois! It was marvelous, and she told us some touching stories too. (Too learn more about Jackie click the link to visit her website.) She called people up on the stage to dance with her and one day we had a contest boys vs. girls to see who knew more songs. 

After the fun with Jackie Francois we separated for men's and women's sessions - Training in the Virtue: The Good Life. I'm not entirely sure what the guys talked about but a speaker came to talk to the girls in the fieldhouse about relationships. How we should want someone who's not going to take advantage of us, someone who loves Jesus with all his heart. 
Sometime around eight in the evening we would start a totally different kind of adoration, an experience that some of us never had.
Our group was so pumped up while waiting for the adoration to start!
As I said before, we were told that some people would be fainting. I thought nothing was going to happen to me, that I wouldn't feel anything special. Again, as much as I hate to admit it, for a few months I became to think that God didn't care about me. I thought I wasn't good enough for Him. I thought He didn't love me. And slowly my love for Him wasn't as great as it used to be. I wanted it to be great like the other teenagers in my group. By seeing how they act, how they pray, and just the smiles on their faces I saw that their love for God was phenomenal.

I was so wrong about what God thought of me.

As soon as adoration started I fell on my knees and started weeping. I had never cried so terribly, I was taken by surprise. My mind could not stop saying "I nailed Him to the cross. I killed him, I hurt him." My thoughts would not stop going over those words. 

I always knew it, but during the adoration when the priest walked five feet away from us with the Eucharist it hit me like a lighting bolt. 

Jesus died for our sins, we put Him upon that cross. He died for us! And for me to think that He didn't love me? How could I think that? He died for all of us, He LOVES us so much. During the adoration I could not stop weeping, I was in my own little world with the Holy Spirit and I didn't notice anyone else crying until a person in my group that sat in front of me caught my attention.

Through my tears I could tell that his eyes were closed, but he was holding something invisible in his cupped hands. I was wondering what he was holding as he grabbed the invisible substance and started tossing it to people. Still with his eyes shut, he turned around to me, and tossed the invisible substance to me. 

I fell back instantly, and was slain by the Holy Spirit. Suddenly an ultimate peace came over me, and I was calm, it was the first time I stopped crying. I felt a different kind of peace, it has taken me a long time to figure out what kind of peace it was. I think I finally got it- it was God's unconditional love. Jesus told me that He loved me so much. I felt Him cry blood because I had the thought that He didn't love me. 

Later I talked to the boy who was tossing the invisible substance to everyone. I figured out that God gave him grace in his hands and he decided to share it with everyone.

Let me tell you something, 
it worked.
This is why we love adoration.
That night was the best night of my life, to be overcome by the Holy Spirit. It felt like no other thing, I cannot even explain it. And I just wish all of you were there to see it, to experience it. 

That night changed things for the better, and I'm going to live my life differently now.

Thanks for reading my story, God bless!
Below is a picture of the celebration of the closing mass on Sunday.
Jesus loves all of you, remember that. He's in your heart always, even if you think He doesn't love you and you can't find Him just keep looking. Look harder, because He is the only one who will never leave you. Every moment He is always there next to you, holding your hand, and guiding you. Keep Him safe in your heart, and never stop loving Him.
I don't own all pictures, I got some from Franciscan University's facebook site. Click the link to visit it. :)
6/30/2012 07:36:08 am

Rachel, this is incredible.

6/30/2012 07:49:21 am

Thanks! I'm so glad that you enjoy it. :)

7/1/2012 12:47:04 pm

Rachel! Your best blog yet! I'm so happy that I was next to you at the adoration, and that I got to catch you when you were slained! :)

7/1/2012 12:59:03 pm

I'm really happy that you enjoyed it! And thanks for catching me! ;))

Aunt Natalie
6/30/2012 09:26:34 am

What a beautiful experience you have had. I had a similar experience as a young girl. It will change your life forever, you will never be the same. I am so happy for you.

6/30/2012 01:00:16 pm

Thanks Aunt Natalie! Sometime I'd like to sit down with you so you can tell me about your experience.

Aunt Eva
6/30/2012 10:26:57 am

WOW! Rachel you are an awesome writer! I am sorry you felt "left out" by God but I am so glad that you feel God's precious love for you. I can see it every time I look at you. You are so very precious and beautiful! You amaze me! You inspire me! I love you so very much! You are God's perfect creation and He LOVES you every moment of your life! He IS with you every moment of your life. Let Him live in you every moment of your life. You are NEVER alone and ALWAYS loved by Him. Love you my beautiful girl!!!

6/30/2012 01:01:21 pm

Thanks Auntie Eva! That means a lot! :)

† James
7/1/2012 05:52:43 am

This is incredible! I'm using THIS to convey our experience to my friends because I don't do it justice. Very well written (save a few misspelled words, but that's not important ;D).

Thanks for keeping the memories alive!

7/1/2012 06:16:22 am

Oops, I forgot to go through and check for spelling mistake, thanks for remind me! ;) Thanks, I'm so glad that you like it! :D

7/1/2012 07:24:53 am

You don't know me ... but my friend from college (University of Steubenville), Sharon Orzechowski (Weil), shared your story with her friends on Facebook. I was there from 83-87, including three sets of summer conferences working in the tape duplication department. Cassette Tapes... an old-style MP3-player, without the MP or 3. :-)

One thing that really struck me was how lucky we were to have SO MANY PRIESTS concelebrating Mass together while we were there. My current parish has 3 priests, but rarely do they celebrate the Mass together. They *always* distribute Communion together, though, for each of the five Masses on the weekends.

The parishes I grew up in as a child now no longer exist, sharing and rotating 1 priest between three different church buildings.

7/1/2012 11:12:43 am

It was really amazing to see so many priests! :)

7/1/2012 08:54:48 am

It was a long time ago, but Stubie gave me the same thing many years ago, and told me that I really was supposed to be CATHOLIC!!!
God Bless you!

7/1/2012 09:05:22 am

Thanks! I'm so glad that you got to experience it too! :D

7/1/2012 12:09:00 pm

I love this. Thank you for sharing your story! =3

7/1/2012 12:32:23 pm

I'm am so happy that you like it! :)

Mary Bann
7/3/2012 06:57:18 am


You have done an amazing job sharing an experience that is almost impossible to describe! How inspiring! Thank you so much!!!

I know that the Lord has great plans for you Rachel! :)

Mary Bann

7/3/2012 12:17:42 pm

Thanks so much, that means a lot. :)

7/5/2012 12:47:25 am

Rachel Your story and Love for God is beautiful. When I was reading your blog I felt everything you went through as if I were there with you. You are an amazing and beautiful Granddaughter. I love you so very much!!!!!!

7/5/2012 04:54:43 am

Thank you, Starka! Love you too! :)

Anna (The roomate)
7/8/2012 03:03:39 am

You where sooo right about the room thing:p Right on!! and you have writing skill:)) Good job!!!

7/8/2012 06:46:00 am

Thanks ;)) It was fun rooming with you! :D

7/8/2012 01:26:30 pm

I am so grateful that you shared your experience. You are a humble soul and your sincerity really touched me. I think you reminded everyone of God's infinite love for each one of us, His children. And, sometimes when we need to hear it the most, God, in His goodness and mercy gives us a concrete feeling, a consolation, that He really does love us more than we can ever imagine. Thank you for sharing your encounter with God.

7/9/2012 08:59:24 am

Thank you!

7/10/2012 12:38:00 am

Rachel, even though I've known you for like. . . a bunch of years, since you first joined Slovak Dance, even, we've never ever really talked. But I read this, and just.
Not just cried, but sobbed my heart out.
You just brought back all of my memories, so vividly. Thank you so much for writing this. . .
. . And now my boyfriend think I'm a nut for sobbing at his kitchen table.
raina <3

7/10/2012 02:28:31 am

I'm so glad that it brought back the memories from Steubenville for you, keep them in your heart. I'm glad you like it! :D

2/25/2015 02:11:14 pm

The environment was so amazing there! Just imagine a gym filled with so many people that were so passionate for Jesus Christ. Think about it - everyone there was really kind and all the teenagers (I am sure) felt accepted.


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