I'm sure once some of you read the title you will not want to read this particular blog. But for those who do, here goes-

 Today during lunch hour my friends and I had a rather aggressive argument about abortion. Of course, I forgot what I was going to say and I had to quickly search for another way to back up my side of the argument. Soon enough everyone was raising their voices and chaos was created. There should be ways where both sides can communicate without ripping each other up...

Abortion kills a small human being that cannot defend him/herself. Abortion is the killing of a little baby that will have the ability to reason but cannot yet defend him/herself. Last time I checked, there was a law saying that you cannot kill people. Then what do you call abortion? It's Killing. Exactly.

I did some research and here are some reassurances supporting my pro-life view:

Time magazine states  "In fusing together, the male and female gametes produce a fertilized single cell, the zygote, which is the start of a new individual." 7 

The Official Senate report on Senate Bill 158, the "Human Life Bill" says "Physicians, biologists, and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human being - a being that is alive and a member of the human species. There is overwhelming agreement on this point in countless medical, biological, and scientific writings." 8

Some pro-choice people will say that the baby in the womb is not fully developed yet and that it's okay to kill. Honestly, those who say that would not even be able to have a view on this subject if their parents decided to abort them. It's not the parents choice, it's your choice to stay alive or not. One should not make the decision for another if they could live or not.

Let's put it this way- If you were driving in a car home from work and you saw a baby run across the road I'm guessing you would stop. That's not the case with abortion, those people (who are pro-choice) would keep going on run over the little defenseless child. Abortion is killing! Don't you understand? 

What if the person who could have come up with the cure for cancer was aborted? How would all you pro-choice people feel then? A baby that was killed by abortion could have come up with cure for cancer! I doubt you ever thought of that.

When one goes to the abortion clinic the clinic does not make you aware of all the physical and emotional pains that one will later experience. To those who have had an abortion, you also have an increased chance of getting breast cancer, just thought you'd like to know. 

The Bible states that all humans are made in God's image, which means our lives our precious and whoever takes the life of another human being forfeits the right of his own life.

I guess we've seen the lowest of the low.... Killing humans that can't defend themselves. Now that is sad.
3/29/2012 06:18:28 am

Nice rachie

3/30/2012 08:53:47 am

Thanks. I put a lot of work into it.

4/28/2012 05:14:16 am

You rock ;D

4/28/2012 02:48:59 pm

Thank you so much!

4/28/2012 05:14:16 am

You rock ;D

4/9/2012 07:26:30 am

Saw your link on skype, checked it out, I love your topics, they are great. (Like frosted flakes)

4/10/2012 09:52:01 am

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my topic, I just need some more ideas on what to write about. Do you have any?

4/10/2012 09:52:25 am

Do you have any ideas?*

Aunt Natalie
4/28/2012 12:56:06 am

You go Rachel! What a great argument you present,well stated and well thought out. Keep it up. The world needs bright young people like you who are courageous enough to stand up for what they believe in. I am so proud of you!

4/28/2012 02:49:37 pm

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! :)

Mikey Sobolic
4/28/2012 06:02:45 am

Well done, Rachel. :)

4/28/2012 02:50:06 pm


Andrew H.
12/15/2012 01:39:46 am

This is a great thread. I ran into this a while ago, but I saved it and managed to find it again. I read this story and it made me realize how impassionate people actually are on this issue or how little they care about doing anything. Here is a URL for the one video on abortion that got me inspired to believe be an advocat for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y2KsU_dhwI I strongly encourage anyone on this weebly site to go and watch this video, it's powerful.


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