I'm going to try writing a skit, it's my first one so bear with me.

Scene: It was a bright sunny day at a park in Germany.
R: Hey D, let's go to the park!
D: Okay! Let's ride the zipline!
R: Yeah, just don't act stupid....
D:When would I do that?
R: -__-
Scene: R and D ran to the zipline, R went on first and landed nicely.
D: Lookit this R, I'ma stand up and try it. Push me!
R:Are you sure that's a good idea you might- *starts running, hand on rope*  
D: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *face plant and a 360*
D: *mumbles to himself*
R: I toooolddddd you. *laughs historically*
D: *mumbles*

Click here to view the video of D falling of the zip line. Funniest thing ever!

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